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It’s important to remember that a liposuction procedure is not a catch-all for weight loss, but rather a tool to help contour your figure to a beautiful, proportioned shape
One of the main benefits of liposuction is its ability to create gorgeous contours that work harmoniously with your natural features, which your consultant will be able to determine during your pre-operative meetings. We can often feel self-conscious about our hips, stomach, and waist, which are where fat cells tend to settle and cling – so cosmetic liposuction can help sculpt these areas.
Although you will be able to see and feel palpable results immediately after your cosmetic surgery, the way your surgeon will specifically target pockets of fat will not equate to a huge amount of weight loss. Most ideal patients will lose around one to two kilograms of total body weight following this procedure, which is why it can’t be used in lieu of bariatric surgery in the pursuit of a healthy weight.
If you’re wondering if you’d make a good candidate for liposuction, there are a few factors to consider. Ideally, you’ll be within a healthy margin of your goal weight to avoid any possible complications or issues with your procedure, as well as to ensure great results. Your safety is our priority and excess removal of fat can pose a bigger risk of complications.
In addition to your weight, we take into account your skin’s elasticity and its overall condition before your surgery. For a guaranteed supple and smooth finish following liposuction, we are looking for effective skin retraction to show off your newly contoured body. If you have loose skin that is more likely to sag, it may affect how your results settle.
As always, we would recommend that smokers try and quit before all surgical procedures or try to reduce the amount of nicotine consumed in the months leading up to the operation date. Nicotine acts as a constrictor on the blood vessels, which drastically decreases the flow of blood, causing potential complications with healing. Smokers are also at higher risk of infection, which can have costly repercussions.
If you’re worried about an upcoming operation, or if you have a condition that you think might impact this kind of procedure, we will be more than happy to discuss this with you
Common reasons for looking into Liposuction
Some common reasons for looking into liposuction treatment include:
- Sculpting areas of body that even exercise and diet don’t seem to impact
- Improved body shape and contour
- Improves self-esteem and confidence
- Customizable results
- Anesthesia Although local anesthesia is sufficient for one area, it can also be performed with sedation or under general anaesthesia for 2 or more areas
- Incision according to the planned surgery, multiple 0,5cm little incisons can be done
- Liposuction routinely used power assisted liposuction with or without Vaser
- Incision Closure We close the incisions using absorbable sutures.
During your consultations, we adress common questions and concerns individuals about labiaplasty surgery such as
- What are the risks and considerations
- Which technique is more appropriate for you
- What you should do postoperative care and maintenance
- Which operations can be combined with Liposuction